Well, Summer is here in a big way as the temperatures rise to degrees of discomfort. Keep cool, as Lulu reminds me. I came across, quite by accident, an Austrian artist by the name of Jakob Kirchmayr and was blown away by his work on paper and thus discovered Arches paper. Made in France and it's very heavy-140 lb press. It's labeled as water color paper that can also "take" acrylic. I wanted to see if it could hold oil pastels and oil sticks and also gesso. What is below is testament that it does so very well.
This is titled "I Carry My Landscapes Around With Me," which is a quote from Joan Mitchell. 16" x20" Arches paper- oil pastels/oil sticks/gesso.
Arches is a big secret of my veils watercolors. Takes repeating applications like no other. Frenchies got it right. ~Jim