And Time marches on...been playing with watercolors...a lot..and with no particular order, rhyme or reason, here's this month's episode of "Adventures in the Wide World of Color.
"A painting to me is primarily a verb, not a noun, an event first and only secondarily an image." (Elaine de Kooning). This is a blog about painting. Specifically, my paintings and random observations of the "verb." Mostly images of work at various phases to share with friends and families. If you have any interest in purchasing work that you see, please contact me at: You can also see work on Instagram @katzpajamas222
Monday, October 9, 2023
Oct.4th 2023
Friday, September 8, 2023
Sept.9- "Who Knows Where The Time Goes?"
It was six months ago that Lu and I were sat in our Oncologist's office and he advised us that the finding of a CT scan confirmed that I had Stage IV Urothelial cancer that had metastasized to the Lymph Nodes. His prognosis was that without immediate chemotherapy I had maybe six months and that with Chemo 12-18 months. Well, still standing, still fighting and still painting-save your tears and please (he says hopefully) enjoy the work.
I think that for me, as an artist, what truly excites me is the discovery of new mediums and substrates and the challenge of taking these new tools and creating something original and exciting. I offer the following in evidence.
I've been working from home a lot and doing smalls. This is on 7"x10" 1264 Fabriano watercolor paper and the golds are from a Japanese collection (Kuretake) of gold metallic watercolors coupled with Mungyo metallic oil pastels. "Confetti."
``This piece features a new medium for me, watercolors, but they are graphite colors and come from Japan.
I've pretty much avoided watercolors because I just didn't feel I had the "hand" for it. Watercolors, to me, are like baking, no room for error. But, as is usually the case, I was very wrong. I just had to trust the process-corny, I know, but the truth, nonetheless. On Canson watercolor paper with Kuretake Graphite Watercolors. Not sure on the dims.
Same as above with an acrylic seal that deepened the colors and added gloss.
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Wed.June 7.2023
Been a I navigate chemo and treatment, I'm finding it difficult to find that place (metaphorically) to paint. One of our support team described Lulu and my studio time as "our love language." I think that's a perfect description. We were able to spend some time last week and I got a piece done and offer it for your perusal.
22"x32" Arches watercolor paper. Background is gesso mixed with black India ink and acrylics and graphite. "Weeping Peonies."
Friday, May 12, 2023
Friday, May 12th, 2023
I can literally "feel" Mercury moving out of retrograde as it moves direct on Sunday May 14th. Mercury retrograde, on it's own, is a box of cats but add chemotherapy on top of it and it's a real "hoot." Let's take a look at some new images, shall we?
Working on the easel is always a challenge and really does effect how I work. I just look and see things differently than I would on the table with paper or on the floor with unstretched canvas. I really enjoyed doing this piece.
Awagami washi 24"x36" primed with Matisse pale blue gesso. Black India ink and acrylic ink.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Wed. May 3rd, 2023
While I'm waiting for my 6th infusion, I thought I would add some recent work that catches me up, if that makes sense.
Chemo has definitely had an impact on my stamina and it becomes important for me to "paint surf" as much as possible. I need to "see" our studio everyday just to connect with both my work and Lulu's because it reminds me of all that we've done together and individually. My "window of opportunity" is about two hours and then I'm on my face but I've brought supplies home and have been doing what my friend Dale calls, "smalls." So, without further ado, some smalls and a large.
48"x60" gold acrylic base with red/yellow/orange acrylic2nd coat and then R&F oil stick blues.
"Lulu's Fibres"
Same dims/paper with temperas, graphite and oil pastels. "Chemo 6."
Friday, April 28, 2023
Friday, April 28th, 2023
Continuing with work done at home with another one of my "Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night-Bogeyman 2." Perhaps, a feeble attempt to exorcise those bloody demons that...keep me up at night...
11"x15" 1264 Fabriano watercolor paper. Temperas, oil pastels and graphite.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Couple of new pieces to share. Hope you enjoy them.
First up is "Keokuk, Iowa, Subway Map." 18"x24" Canson watercolor paper. Matisse gesso undercoat with acrylic and alcohol inks. I once worked at a factory in Keokuk. Piss factory would be the right description.
"Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night (Bogeyman#1)"
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Sunday April 16, 2023 Hristos Vaskrese!
An Easter offering. 18"x24" Canson watercolor paper with Matisse gesso background. Graphite, acrylics, and oil pastels.
"Chemo #4" (with port installed)
Friday, April 14, 2023
Friday, April 14, 2023
I thought it would be interesting to posit process via two images of the same work- from an early iteration to its current (and I believe completed) state. DIMS: 24'x36" primed canvas. The undercoat is a charcoal wash that has been tempered with oil crayons (sky and sea)- the buildings/structures are layers of graphite, charcoal, oil crayon, oil and acrylic paint. It's titled "Italy, After the War." My older and too soon deceased brother, Stevan, was born in a DP camp south of Naples (Eboli). This is a fragmanet of dream/imagination/cosmic transference.
Here are the two iterations:
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2nd and final version. Mo betta! Thanks for looking, Hope ya saw something! |
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Tuesday April 11, 2023
As my heart continues to open and I shed all the nonsense that used to fill me up, I'm left with this child in me and his paints. I think that it was the soon to be canceled, Pablo, who said it, "Paint like a child..." I'm left with no real choice but to do so.
22"x30" Canson watercolor paper. Temperas and oil sticks. Sticking with the dopey jokes:
"Chemo-Sabi" with apologies to Tonto.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Good Friday, April 7, 2023
Working on a theme- 11"x15" 1264 Fabriano watercolor paper. Tempera, charcoal and graphite.
"Chemo #2"
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Tuesday, March 30,2023
Mornings remain cold here in the heart of the Midwest-warms up with the sun and the early harbringers of Spring have shown their faces with crocuses and other dots of bright color.
New work- 18"x24" Canson watercolor paper that has been heavily gessoed with chalk pastels that have been rubbed into the surface with India ink stain, oil pastels and graphite.
"Chemo #1"
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Tuesday, March 21st, 2023
We welcome the arrival of Spring as the force of Hope and Renewal as the Creative "springs forth" in all things.