Wasn't happy with this, originally- see below but came back to it and now I'm very happy with it! And it has a title: "St. Andrew In Repose." Thanks for looking...
24"x36" acrylic undercoats with oil overlays.
"A painting to me is primarily a verb, not a noun, an event first and only secondarily an image." (Elaine de Kooning). This is a blog about painting. Specifically, my paintings and random observations of the "verb." Mostly images of work at various phases to share with friends and families. If you have any interest in purchasing work that you see, please contact me at: jovan@laughingcatgallery.live. You can also see work on Instagram @katzpajamas222
Wasn't happy with this, originally- see below but came back to it and now I'm very happy with it! And it has a title: "St. Andrew In Repose." Thanks for looking...
24"x36" acrylic undercoats with oil overlays.
Mercury has finally gone direct and with it comes clarity and a general air of ease. By far and away, this past mercury retrograde was one of the worst for me. Anyway- new work to share. Two paintings that for me are evocative of an era that was critical for me as a young man- LA in the late 60s.
24"x36" all acrylic. "Laurel Canyon."
Mercury Finally goes Direct..truly kicked my ass this go-around. I have an old ephemeris around that has a quote from Sir Issac Newton that goes something like this, "I, sir, have studied the subject and you have not..." whatever... all I know is that three or four times a year my shit goes sideways and I hate when it happens during my summer break.
Painting has come with great difficulty for me these past 30 days or so. But I've learned to not push the river and just to ride out the storm. Anyway, not over the moon with this but it's work and it deserves respect. Peace out.
Old gold acrylic undercoat/borders with Matisse acrylics warp with lupus lazuli oil paint as final weft. 24"x36"
I recognize and accept this fool's errand that I am on and that I'm essentially pissing into a black hole but I don't really give a fuck. I paint because I must. I don't love this piece but I don't have to because it was a piece that demanded to be made. I am not the author-just the messenger. Love somebody. Love somebody and feel life be real.
Thursday, June 17th,
Lulu and I would like to thank all our friends and family members who came to our OpenHouse and a big thanks to all the sculptors who came for The Decatur Sculpture Tour. A grand time was had by all!
No new work to speak up as we're still in "recovery" mode but a couple of shots to share.
"Vincent" has found a wonderful home with Alex Leavell and Emma Beauchamp and looks lovely!
This is a shot of the grouping of "The American Primitive" series as Lulu and I prepare for our Open House coinciding with the 2021 Decatur Sculpture Tour. We will be opening up studios and gallery to one and all Friday June 11th and Saturday June 12th from 5pm-10pm. Y'all come down and see us. 222 N. 2nd Street, Decatur IN. We cordially ask those not vaccinated to please mask up for the sake of others.