Lots of new work to share and in no particuliar order:
This is the most recent work and marks a return to easel work and oil paint. 36"x48" canvas. I think I'll return to this in another post to show the evolution of the piece. Undercoat originally in acrylics with all oils on top with oil sticks and crayons and charcoal markings. "Lucky Eleven."
This is a fun piece- 36"x36" unprimed, unframed canvas with fabric paint. Lulu had bought the paint originally with an eye to us working together on a warp that she would weave and I would paint. I was intrigued by the dye/paint so I purchased a set and played with it on unprimed canvas. Turned out well, I thought. "A Day At The Beach II"
Not the best image but this IRT is very lush- "Yellow Roses."
And our last two pieces are a continuation of ongoing work with Japanes paper, specifically Kitakata paper. I so loved working with this that I bought a ten yeard roll of it. It's 16" wide.
Dims and media are the same as first piece. "Lost Language Scroll #2."
Thanks for looking and if you like what you see, please leave comments.